World Lung Cancer Day : Early Detection and Prevention Matters
World Lung Cancer Day : Early Detection and Prevention Matters
01 August 2023 | Article is written by Mira Syahira Binti Rhyme (Doctor2U), Reviewed by Dr Lee Wang Loong (Chief Medical Officer (Southern Region), BP Healthcare Group)

Source: Freepik
According to the Ministry of Health, lung cancer is the third most common cancer in Malaysia. Apart from being the cancer with the highest mortality rate, lung cancer is usually only picked up at a later stage. This World Lung Cancer Day, let’s educate ourselves about the importance of early screening and detection for lung cancer!
Lung cancer happens when the cells mutate in a way that alters its life cycle causing unregulated growth. It normally begins in the lung and could spread to other parts of the body (e.g. lymph nodes and brain). The lung can also originate from cancers of other body parts, through a process called metastasis.
Primary lung cancer is when the cancer starts from the lung itself, while secondary lung cancer is when it starts from other organs. There are 2 main types of primary lung cancers:

The symptoms normally become apparent when they are at a later stage. The signs and symptoms include:
- Pain in the chest area, on coughing or breathing
- A new cough that is persistent
- Coughing up blood
- Shortness of breath
- Involuntary weight loss
- Bone pain (in cases of metastasis)
- Smoking
- Inhaling second hand smoke from other people’s cigarettes
- Exposure to substances like radon, asbestos, diesel exhaust and arsenic
- Family members who were/ are affected with lung cancer
Diagnosis of lung cancer
Lung cancer screening can be tested via:
- Low-dose computerized tomography (CT) scan
- Examining cells from sputum
- Extracting tissue samples (biopsy)
Lung cancer treatment varies depending on the type of cancer and its stage. Patients with SCLC are usually treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy, while those with NSCLC have broader treatment options that include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these treatments.

Lung cancer cells can be managed better with early screening and detection tests. At BP Group Healthcare, we provide comprehensive health screening services. With our Specialist Head-To-Toe Medical Screening, we can help detect lung cancer with chest CT scan.

Don’t compromise on your health – schedule your Specialist Head2Toe screening today and gain insight on your overall well-being
Making the decision to stop smoking is a huge step for avid smokers. The journey can be tough as they experience withdrawal symptoms and have to fight the urge for nicotine (a form of drug found in cigarettes). With our Quit Smoking Package, we aim to assist you or someone you know towards a healthier lifestyle and reduce the chances of getting lung cancer.

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