#Raya22BersamaBP – Kasih Sayang Tetap Dirasai
Akhirnya, kita telah memasuki fasa endemik & boleh bertemu semula dengan yang tersayang setelah kian lama berpisah. Ahmad & keluarga tidak terkecuali dalam perpisahan tersebut. Jom, kita tonton filem pendek#Raya22BersamaBP untuk ketahui bagaimana perbezaan mereka membawa persefahaman & membina hubungan yang lebih erat.
Sempena sambutan Hari Raya ini, marilah kita saling memahami & bermaafan. BP Healthcare & Doctor2U mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua rakyat Malaysia.
Finally, we’ve entered the endemic phase & get to meet our loved ones after being separated for years. Ahmad & his family is no exception to this separation. Let’s watch this short film🎞 to find out how the differences of this family eventually bring them closer together through empathy.🥰
During this Raya, let’s give each other more understanding & forgiveness towards greater peace & joy. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, from all of us at BP Healthcare and Doctor2U.🥳 Celebrate this Raya safely with Doctor2U. Download the app here: https://doctor2upartner.page.link/app